Automated diagnostics and repair of cells, subunits and units of the radio-electronic equipment of the BUK-М1 SAM system set in stationary conditions.
- on enterprises, which make repair of the air defense facilities;
- at military units (measurement technology base, regulation and repair groups).
Operation concept:
1. Type Identification of the unit under test (inasmuch as unit under test nomenclature consists of units, which have different diagnostics automatization degree; in accordance with proposed by us technology they are divided into 2 categories). Analog and digital-to-analog diagnostics of the HF units is conducted according to expert system. Digital unit diagnostics is conducted with the help of control programs;
2. Project selection which corresponds to unit under test;
3. Automated work which is managed by expert system or control program (automated influence, measuring and analysis of the results; referral and graphic information and directions’ output to operator about the necessity of the follow-up actions);
4. Results’ receipt regarding faulty elements or a group of elements.
- has no parallel;
- knowledge base allows the user to store expert algorithms, equipment operation automation data referral information, electric schemes, general layouts;
- all accessories which are necessary for diagnostics enter into the product composition;
- the superset of software programmable devices is provided, which covers all possible operations under diagnostics and repair of the BUK-М1 SAM system radio-electronic equipment.